KASTIKKA dokumentti 98225268 |
Kenttä | Tieto | Rajaus | Statuskoodi | Statusselite | Statusteksti | Huomkoodi | Huomselite |
TAX | Arabidopsis thaliana | - | | | | | | GRI | 668:10 | | | | | L | Lisätty jälkeenpäin |
PRO | A | | | | | | |
COM | Jomala | | | | | | |
SIT | Möckelö | | | | | | |
NAM | Palmgren, Alvar | | | | | | |
DAT | 1899-06-01--1899-06-30 | | | | | | |
SOU | Herb | | | | | | |
HER | H | | | | | | |
SER | 284516 | | | | | | |
DOC | http://id.luomus.fi/Q.138168 | | | | | | |
DOC | Genomic DNA extracted 16Feb2023, Jesse Lasky (PAC) | | | | | | |
DOC | This specimen has been photographed for the species identification and teaching database of the Department of Biological and Enviromental Sciences, University of Helsinki (www.helsinki.fi/pinkka) | | | | | | |