OBS | Allium oleraceum | - | | | 4 ex., pentaploid habitus, insamlades inte. – Nurmilaukkaa todesttu samassa paikassa 2004-10-06, Carl-Adam Hæggström 8940, 8941, 8942 & Helena Åström (H). – Nurmilaukan kromosomiluku on 2n = 40 tällä paikalla [Åström, H., Hæggström, C.-A. & Hæggström, E. 2015: Geographical distribution of Allium oleraceum cytotypes in Finland and Sweden. – Nordic Journal of Botany 33: 120-125. (doi: 10.1111/njb.00521. 6 pp. + Supplementary material (Table 1), 8 pp. Article first published online: 31 October 2014.)]. | | |