KASTIKKA dokumentti 729602 |
Kenttä | Tieto | Rajaus | Statuskoodi | Statusselite | Statusteksti | Huomkoodi | Huomselite |
TAX | Carex flava | - | | | Abundantly | | | COU | Russia | | | | | | |
PRO | KerK | | | | | | |
CGR | 36WWU2 | | | | | | |
NDD | 66.25 | | | | | | |
EDD | 33.87 | | | | | | |
SIT | Loukhi (Louhi) District (Лоухский район), Kandalaksha Bay (Кандалакшский Залив) of the White Sea, Island Pezhostrov (Пежостров). At the base of the SE cape of the island, shortly W of the minor bay at the S base of the cape | | | | | | |
HAB | Eutrophic paludified meadow behind the low seashore bank | | | | | | |
NAM | Piirainen, Mikko 5711 | | | | | | |
DAT | 2006-08-07 | | | | | | |
DOC | Leaf tissue sampled for molecular analysis. Nygaard & Bendiksby, 2020. NTNU University Museum, Trondheim, Norway | | | | | | |
SER | 823497 | | | | | | |
AD3 | Expedition to the archipelago of the White Sea 2.–10.VIII.2006. Phanerogam botanists M. Koistinen (H), A. Kravchenko (PTZ), M. Piirainen (H), A. Sennikov (H), V. Timofeeva (PTZ) & P. Uotila (H). | | | | | | |
SOU | Herb | | | | | | |
HER | H | | | | | | |
WRB | H-Mikko Piirainen | | | | | | |
LAN | E | | | | | | |
DOB | 2010-02-18 | | | | | | |
DAD | 2014-03-19 | | | | | | |