KASTIKKA dokumentti 613186 |
Kenttä | Tieto | Rajaus | Statuskoodi | Statusselite | Statusteksti | Huomkoodi | Huomselite |
TAX | Antirrhinum linaria | puuttuu | | | | | | PRO | V | | | | | | |
NAM | Fellman, Jacob | | | | | | |
DAT | 1820-06-01--1830-09-30 | | | | | L | Lisätty jälkeenpäin |
SER | 1744694 | | | | | | |
DOC | Perhaps collected at Turku area. Same mounting type was used in some others specimens by Fellman at Turku. Scripsit Henry Väre 7.4.2011 | | | | | | |
AD3 | See Väre, H. 2011: Jacob Fellman – the botanising priest. Memoranda Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica 87: 1–20. | | | | | | |
AD3 | Ex herbarium Jacob Fellman (1793–1875) Vicar of Utsjoki and Inari (Inari Lapland) 1819–1832, and of Lappajärvi (Ostrobottnia media) 1832–1875, Finland | | | | | | |
SOU | Herb | | | | | | |
HER | H | | | | | | |
WRB | H-Henry Väre | | | | | | |
DOB | 2011-03-25 | | | | | | |
LAN | L | | | | | | |
DAD | 2012-03-22 | | | | | | |