KASTIKKA dokumentti 506395
TAXRibes glandulosum-A rather sparse colony of ca. 3 m x 5 m. Low bushes, not more than ca. 50 cm, branches partly prostrate, not more than 1 m long before the first rooting point, mainly shorter, rooting at the nodes. A few exx. also on the other side of the brook
AD1Racemes upright, flowers white. Number of flowers per raceme 7--12, mean 10.13, sd 1.48, n=30. Diameter of the lowermost flower in a raceme 6.5 mm -- 8 mm, mean 7.45 mm, sd 3.60, n=10
SITViikki, E of the old manor building
HABBetween a brook and gravel path, on a low old soil heap (dug from the brook?) in luxuriant forest
OBSAcer platanoides-
OBSAnemone nemorosa-
OBSAngelica sylvestris-
OBSAthyrium filix-femina-
OBSBetula pendula var. pendula-
OBSBetula pubescens subsp. pubescens-
OBSFilipendula ulmaria-
OBSLysimachia thyrsiflora-
OBSOxalis acetosella-
OBSRubus idaeus-
OBSSorbus aucuparia subsp. aucuparia-
OBSSilene dioica-
OBSStellaria holostea-
OBSUrtica dioica subsp. dioica-
ELE4 m
NAMPiirainen, Mikko 4600
AD3The lower course of the brook was checked down to the sea, as also the surroundings of the manor and its garden, but the species was not found. Origin unknown, first collection from the locality made in 1967 by P. Alanko (as Ribes sp.)
AD3The locality was destroyed in 2002 by the new buildings of the university campus
WRBH-Mikko Piirainen

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