KASTIKKA dokumentti 412215 |
Kenttä | Tieto | Rajaus | Statuskoodi | Statusselite | Statusteksti | Huomkoodi | Huomselite |
TAX | Festuca elatior | - | | | Nimellä Festuca elatior | | | COU | Russia | | | | | | |
PRO | AK | | | | | | |
SIT | Leningrad Region, Lodejnoe Pole (Lotinapelto), Star. Sloboda (Troitsankontu), along main road opposite to village | | | | | | |
NAM | Alanko, Pentti 111601 | | | | | | |
DAT | 2001-08-15 | | | | | | |
SER | 743025 | | | | | | |
AD3 | Voucher specimen. Delectus Seminum 2003, Helsinki University Botanical Garden. Number 2002-140 | | | | | | |
AD3 | The Expedition to the Republic of Karelia from 14th August to 2nd of September 2001 by Vavilov Institute and Nordic Gene Bank | | | | | | |
SOU | Herb | | | | | | |
HER | H | | | | | | |
WRB | H-Merja Niemi | | | | | | |
LAN | E | | | | | | |
DOB | 2003-06-19 | | | | | | |
DAD | 2003-08-28 | | | | | | |