KASTIKKA dokumentti 285774 |
Kenttä | Tieto | Rajaus | Statuskoodi | Statusselite | Statusteksti | Huomkoodi | Huomselite |
TAX | Potentilla anglica | - | | | Cpp | | | PRO | V | | | | | | |
GRI | 6660:250 | | | | | L | Lisätty jälkeenpäin |
COM | Kemiönsaari | | | | | M | Muutettu alkuperäisestä arvosta |
SIT | Dragsfjärd, Biskopsö, Norrgloet i Hitis | | | | | | |
HAB | Glostrand | | | | | | |
NAM | Lindgren, Leif | | | | | | |
DAT | 1964-07-09 | | | | | | |
AD3 | This specimen has been photographed for the species identification and teaching database of the Department of Biological and Enviromental Sciences, University of Helsinki (www.helsinki.fi/pinkka) 2019 | | | | | | |
SOU | Herb | | | | | | |
HER | H | | | | | | |
SER | 727236 | | | | | | |
LAN | R | | | | | | |
WRB | H-Mikko Piirainen | | | | | | |
DOB | 1999-07-19 | | | | | | |
DAD | 2000-11-28 | | | | | | |