KASTIKKA dokumentti 1092656
TAXPopulus tremula cv. KaarinapuuttuuAn about 20 x 30 m spontaneous clone along the roadside, comprising about 40 suckers, saplings and trees, largest ones 15-18 m tall, girth at breast height max. 97 cm. The voucher specimen has been taken from a hanging twig of the thickest tree of the S part of the clone, 4 m W of the cycleway, directly opposite to the entrance way of the opposite house. Its girth at breast height is 78 cm. For recognition, one side of the trunk base of this tree is flattened
SITAuranlaakso. 100 m SW of Auranlaakso School. Opposite to the house Littoistenjärventie No. 285. W edge of cycleway
HABDryish heath forest of Myrtillus type (e.g. Vaccinium myrtillus, Pinus, Picea, Juniperus, Sorbus aucuparia, Pteridium, Convallaria)
NAMIssakainen, Jouni
AD3Publication: Sorbifolia 2022 (accepted). The entire clone is characterized by thin, long branches and twigs which curve to a hanging position within the lower half of the tree, at least . The main trunk grows generally straight and tall, however. The uppermost twigs of a well iluminated crown bend upwards when leafless but, due to their exceptional slenderness, tend to curve vertical to downwards due to the weight of the leaves, already. The visible clone roughly fits in the following rectangle (YKJ, Grid 27E): S corner: 6715326:3245393. W corner: 6715334:3245375. N corner: 6715363:3245385. E corner: 6715354:3245405
WRBH-Sampsa Lommi

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